Support on o2c files (Objects 2 See) and o2c Interactive!
#82227 by ROBERT PENN
Wed May 10, 2023 7:06 pm
Hi all,

Its been a while since I have drawn up a model.
I have just finished a model and ran it thruogh O2c and it looks great, but for some reason the raytrace optoion is not working. Has this been disabled now for some reason or is it a setting I might have to change?
I have run the model through both Dcad 21 and 22 and the raytrace is not working in either.
What I can I do to reinstate the raytrace?
#82230 by DBrennfoerder
Thu May 11, 2023 7:43 am
Download a version of Kerkythia. Export your model as a .3ds file. Import into Kerkythia, add lights where ever you want and render and image. You can put any number of cameras anywhere. You can link cameras in an animation. You can adjust colors and surfaces as much as you want, but DataCAD colors are matched well.
#82232 by Mark Bell
Thu May 11, 2023 4:58 pm
I could be wrong here, but I recall there are two versions of the O2C engine, one had auto anti-aliasing but no ray tracing, and vice-versa? Also try a simple model in a new file (cubes and spheres or something)? If you have the old O2C_2Go! installed, try that and see if it works, otherwise do an Install / Repair to reinstall just the Object Viewer (O2C)..or contact Tech Support if you have a Subscription?

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