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#13321 by Greg Blandin
Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:39 pm
Why even ask this question?

When DataCAD is ready to release 12, the will do it. Until then they do a pretty good job at keeping us up to date at what is going on. Especially at the DBUG meetings.

On a different forum I'm on, a question/post/link was brought up as to why there is bad software. Basically what cause's incomplete buggy software.

My thought was that it's a money and time thing. Lot's of people want to get their software out quickly to start making money. Companies are the same way.

I say make sure the program is stable and working correctly before releasing to the general public. This is what DataCAD is doing right now.

Besides...DataCAD 11 is running great right now. Yeah 12 has some great new and fixed features, but working on 11 isn't going to put my company under.

So DataCAD, keep us updated like you are, but make sure the program is in proper working order before releasing it!



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