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#13403 by Ernie Bayles
Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:23 am
So I want to use a bitmap image (a scanned document in this case) as one detail in an MSP sheet, but I can't get any other msp detail to plot over the bitmap (like by title block). Is there a control for this I am not aware of? (the pen table settings don't seem to help).

#13404 by David A. Giesselman
Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:41 am
Hi Earnie:

In the PenTable, there are radio buttons to control the order in which bitmaps and fills are plotted. Try setting that to Print first.

#13407 by Ernie Bayles
Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:08 pm
Thanks Dave, you were right, you have to have the pen table set to "print first". I guess I tried everything but.

#13408 by Ernie Bayles
Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:28 pm
But wait, there's more.

As it turns out, the problem is not just the pen table settings. In fact, what seems to also be important is the order in which the details are placed on the MSP sheet. In a subsequent plot to the first one (that finally worked) I had to insert the bitmap images on the MSP first, and then follow with the other usual vector stuff before it would plot correctly.

So, I'm guessing, MSP detail order is treated by the pen table settings in the same way as layer order?


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