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#13388 by tpod
Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:22 pm
I am trying to use the following to change the dim style to a style I use often. The code seems to hang up at various points, usually @ the main dim menu. I have made a custom toolbar and it loads as a context toolbar. This code is assigned to an icon. Everything else seems to work fine.

A=^;^F8^F1^S2^POD 1-8$^S0^

Any ideas?
#13392 by Tony Blasio
Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:02 pm
Try changing the ; to a :

I think your current code is accessing the Group command instead of dimensions.
#13394 by tpod
Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:39 pm
I tried that several times thinking the same thing but the end result is same...which means it must be "further upline" (if that makes sense).

I am thinking it has something to do with the context toolbar?

I have read the Datacad ref manual, the forum posts, and Josh's tutorial on toolbars and I think everythig is right.

I have run it as a keyboard macro and get the same hang up.

Edit: Sorry I left out an "F1" in the original post it should read:

A=^:^F8^F1^S2^F1^POD 1-8$^S0^
but it still doesn't work
#13398 by devinder
Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:15 am
The keyboard shortcut that you mentioned will take you back to the Main Dimensions menu because of S0 keystroke in the end. If you want to stay put in Load/Save menu, you can simply remove the S0 from your shortcut.
If I am mistaken in understanding could you please clarify further by mentioning the buttons that are displayed after the macro is executed and what do you expect? By hang do you mean DataCAD freezes? Do you have to Ctrl+Alt+Del to close DataCAD?
#13406 by tpod
Wed Aug 23, 2006 12:28 pm
The macro took me back to the Dimension menu that has "linear", "angular" etc.. options. I would call it the main dimensions menu.

When I used the term "hang" I was refering to what I think the macro is doing . Datacad works fine, I can continue working with no issues.

Having said all this the toolbar button I created now works...? I didn't change anything or even close out of Datcad, it just started to work. The keyboard macro I created as a test now works as well.

I'm guessing this problem is going to reappear so if you have any suggestions ...

#13409 by devinder
Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:37 pm
If DataCAD was still running while you were making changes in the DTB file, the changes would not be applicable. You have to restart DataCAD every-time you make change to the Toolbar file. I think this was the problem in the first place.
#13414 by tpod
Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:21 pm
That was it.

I added another button and same problem, with restart everything works!

Thank you for your help!

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