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#21857 by deliriousga
Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:52 am
Because it's the best. We currently have two computers in the office running Vista, one 32bit and the other 64bit, and two people who have home laptops running Vista and DataCAD 11 works just fine, no glitches I have found so far. As for that "other", expensive CAD software...check this out:

It amazes me when people spend what amounts to an arm and a leg on software that is the backbone of their business then the company says "too bad, so sad" when there's a problem with their software in computer world. Instead, just pay us $X-thousand for the new version that will be out by the end of the year. Oh, you can't buy a computer that's compatible with our current software? Well then, aren't we up the creek without a paddle? :roll:

Once again, Kudos to the DataCAD team! :D I hope you get a lot of new customers who need real CAD software that actually works.
#21878 by joshhuggins
Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:01 am
They must have some really bad hooks into the system if they are willing to do this with such a new product as ADT 2007 or they are greedy little monsters. You decide.

The link above talks about that while several users are running ADT2007 on Vista, it's just that Autodesk won't support it, as if Autodesk has ever supported anything before. While if a company like Microsoft or Apple did something like this people would up up in arms, but the Autodesk lemmings just keep marching forward towards the cliff, fall off the cliff, climb back up the other side and start the whole process again, with just a few squeaks, and thousands of dollars down the drain. Maybe Autodesk products make you so rich that wasting money all the time is no big deal. Maybe I should get a copy too? :roll:

O.K. enough Autodesk bashing for me, customer service that bad just drives me nuts. Why do I use Datacad? Because it leaves my breath minty fresh :!:

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