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#3254 by ADHOCARCH
Sun Jun 12, 2005 1:12 pm
I am trying to redefine my Keyboard macro and do not know where to start. I have noticed an editkey macro that states that I can change it. I am trying to set up my alt-u as offset my alt-I as oneline trim and my z as polyline.

Can someone please direct me to a good manual to change my keybord macro? I have reviewed all the articles and am more confused than I was when I started.

Thanks in advance
#3262 by Miguel Palaoro
Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:52 pm
Hello Ad Hoc,

Unfortunately, with DataCAD LT 11 you can't edit the keyboard macros. They are hardcoded into .EXE file. This is one of the differences among Full and LT versions since ever.
Recently there were discussions inside this forum, about this theme, but no change has been signalized until now.

What you can do right now is edit the DCADWIN.MNU file, which is located in your "\Support files" folder.
At there you can insert short-cuts, between the two vertical characters [||] that do exist in each line, which will be incorporated by DataCAD.

You can use either "Ctrl+letter" (or number), "Shift+letter", "Shift+Ctrl+letter", etc. Take a look at the Reference Guide to fully understand this customization.

The difference from this to the keyborad macros is that those are activated by "Alt+letter" and this customization allows you to use Ctrl, Shift and both.

Hope this helps,
#3268 by ADHOCARCH
Mon Jun 13, 2005 7:55 am
Thanks for the information Miguel.

Do you know the reasoning for Datacad to Hardcode the Keyboard Macros? The LT version is a much less powerful program than the full version, but to be able to customize the keyboard macros would be in my eyes one element that both programs should share.

Can I write to someone at Datacad and see if they can look into it? As you had stated in your response 'Recently there were discussions inside this forum, about this theme, but no change has been signalized until now.'
How do I/We get a campaign for this to be looked at?

I am new to this forum and I appreciate the wonderful help.

#3298 by Miguel Palaoro
Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:57 am
Hi Ad Hoc,

This Forum is the right place to put this kind of request. I am sure that Mark and Dave will pay attention for every word written here.
BTW, I am aware that the features definition is part of the strategic positionning of the software.

So, it is easy to understand that is to the Full DataCAD version that fits to make available all the most powerful tools of the software.

The possibility to customize the .MNU file in LT can make closer the solution you are targetting.

#3301 by ADHOCARCH
Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:00 am
Hi Miguel,

I appreciate your response and I agree with the comment that you made pertaining to make available the powerful tools of the full version of the software. As I was perusing the LT version I had noticed items I wouldn't expect to see in a lesser value cadd system like being able to do 3d. My question is that if you can provide that type of performance with a lesser value cadd system, logically something as small ,'to me', as being able to rewrite macros shouldn't be that big of a deal.

I also had sent an email to Techsupport and they noted to me that 'there are no plans to add the ability to customize keyboard macros in
DataCAD LT. It is one of the many productivity enhancing features you
will only find in the full professional product.' unsigned of course for that response. I had sent a previous email and was signed by Mr. Toce.

Hopefully as you note Mark and DAve do read this and possibly can take that into consideration. There is no law against asking a question or making a request to make a good product even better.

Thanks again for your response

#3317 by Miguel Palaoro
Tue Jun 14, 2005 12:06 pm
You are very Welcome.


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