Hi all,
Am I the only person to have zero results from trying to use RevSurf? Probably. Read on.
1) I have an open polyline at Z-base=0. I select that polyline
2) I choose Z base button
3) RevSurf does not have any way of setting where the axis of the sweep is to take place.... (WTH?)
4) I select either closed ends or closed sides. It makes no difference in the lack of results.
5) I set the primary and secondary divisions.
6) I exit. and voila --- nothing happens. (shouldn't there be a "start" button before exiting, just so it makes sense? regardless, nothing happens.)
Okay... After selecting the polyline, a little message pops up at the bottom of the screen to select the 2 points that defines the axis. Got it now. Read the fine print. BUT, the Datacad 17 manual doesn't include that very necessary step. I'm not bitter about that. Much. Well, yes. Yes I am. Who writes these manuals, anyway?
Am I the only person to have zero results from trying to use RevSurf? Probably. Read on.
1) I have an open polyline at Z-base=0. I select that polyline
2) I choose Z base button
3) RevSurf does not have any way of setting where the axis of the sweep is to take place.... (WTH?)
4) I select either closed ends or closed sides. It makes no difference in the lack of results.
5) I set the primary and secondary divisions.
6) I exit. and voila --- nothing happens. (shouldn't there be a "start" button before exiting, just so it makes sense? regardless, nothing happens.)
Okay... After selecting the polyline, a little message pops up at the bottom of the screen to select the 2 points that defines the axis. Got it now. Read the fine print. BUT, the Datacad 17 manual doesn't include that very necessary step. I'm not bitter about that. Much. Well, yes. Yes I am. Who writes these manuals, anyway?