[size=150]After going unopened in several months I get the "DataCad (internal diagnostics) fault9" followed by spinning wheel graphic. I get the same message with Drawing Back and auto recovery files, as well as the default AEC file. I am able to open an earlier version of the same project. Is there anyway to recover the file? Your help will be appreciated.
With Datacad closed, clean out your C:\DataCAD 19\Temporary Files\ folder, then start Datacad, and try File, Repair and select your troubled file. I normally I draw 2D only plans, so I use the settings below for my repairs. if you are doing 3D, you may want to uncheck the 3D to 2D options. If the file opens great, you can then re-save the file as needed.
If the repair fails, you could try creating a new blank file and try File, Import, and selecting your trouble file to see if you can import it.