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#12595 by Greg Blandin
Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:42 am
Dick Eades wrote:
Ooops..I went all THGTTG and Star Trek on ya all!

I always thought THGTTG was expressed as H2G2.

Hmm...I don't get it..
#12600 by Greg Blandin
Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:30 pm
I still don't see how you can get
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy out of h2g2.
#12601 by Heinrich
Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:05 pm
The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy

2 H's + 2 G's=H2G2

#12604 by Greg Blandin
Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:53 pm
I suppose, but that's pretty obscure to me.

THGTTG is a lot more fun.

Besides....Hitchhiker is one word.
#13009 by Neil Blanchard
Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:00 pm

Here is the portion of the DBUG meeting notes (from July) for DataCAD v12.

Mark Madura showed us Alpha 53(b?), and here are the features more or less in the order that he presented them:

:arrow: You can link any entity to a GTV within the same file.
:arrow: Pop up tooltip for Hyperlinks
:arrow: Symbol Scale is new in v12 (similar to Text Scale), which allows you to change the size of any symbol, based on the plot scale.
When you dynamic rotate a symbol – you can see the whole symbol; rather than just the extents box.
:arrow: Editing symbols directly, and with the choice of saving the changes just to that one instance, or all the symbols in that drawing, and/or saving the changes to the disk, replacing the old version – or, as a new symbol. Whew.
:arrow: In an isometric view, you place the symbol in the current view, or onto the X/Y plane. Mark placed a flag symbol onto a site model, and was able to rotate them.
:arrow: Smart Walls (2 ½ weeks since the previous presentation!) now have working Wall Styles. A foundation wall style (like a linetype), that is drawn with a footing. There is a “control line” which is the line that you draw. You can currently have 1 to 4 lines in the wall, but eventually, you will have “n” number of lines eventually; maybe 12 or 20?
:arrow: Windows Linetypes: they are scale independent, so that no matter what scale they are plotted at, they have the same spacing on the paper. They are applied to DataCAD linetypes, like we can use linetypes in a hatch. This is similar to the way we hand-drafted: dashed lines were always the same spacing, no matter the scale.
:arrow: We should be able to get WSYSIWYG line width, using Windows line weight
:arrow: Wall types can use the current line colors, or they can have preset colors.
The multiline Smart Walls are numbered from the outside to the inside, so line 1 is the outermost line, and each additional line is an offset distance from the previous line – it is cumulative; not a datum.
:arrow: Stretch a wall and the spaces between the lines are maintained – it is a Smart Wall, after all!
:arrow: You can change the type of wall: from a foundation wall (with four lines) to a two line gypsum wall, and the control plane is maintained. You can have different control planes while still using the same wall style. This all gets rather “wordy”, but seeing it and using it, it makes a lot more sense.
:arrow: You have got to see the video for this: all the Smart Walls that you create consecutively are one entity. When you move them by Entity, then clean up automatically. Ditto for Stretching – though stretching will not be able to change the wall width. You change the wall width, rather than stretching it.
:arrow: You can explode Smart Walls to “dumb” entities, and you can use Save Image on them, too. You can change linetypes, change the spacing between the lines.
:arrow: Smart Walls are very usable for 2D drafting, and you'll get the 3D “for free”, if you want to use it. Their definitions are like symbols in a way: update one and all walls of that type will be affected; which is very different than we have up until now. Eventually, the Smart Walls will be view and/or scale dependent.
:arrow: The Wall definition files are just text files.
:arrow: The entity properties dialog will let you change the layer.
:arrow: Smart Doors: you can change the type of door via the properties dialog. (Dialog boxes are more common with Smart Entities.) We will have a single bi-fold door – what we have been missing forever! Yay!
All the 2D and the 3D components of a Smart Door/Window can be adjusted – via the dialog.
:arrow: Smart Windows (like the doors) end up in the wall when you Copy it, automatically. Stretch one jamb of a Window/Door, then the whole unit updates. Window and Door Styles will let them work like SketchUp's components – they'll update automatically all through the drawing.
:arrow: Specific brands and models of windows and doors would be done as symbols.
:arrow: New Toolbars: revamped Productivity Pack toolbars.
Inherited highlighting for nested Xref's will be determined on a per drawing basis.
:arrow: When you dynamically rotate symbols, you can see the symbol, rather than just the extents box – and other tricks that are best explained by watching the video.
:arrow: Implied deselect! (You folks who use Multiple will like this!)
:arrow: Clip Fence can now have 100 points, instead of “just” 36, which will work for symbols, Xrefs, and for MSP. The drawing Clip Cubes will still be rectangular. The reason is that the symbols and Xref's have their own memory space. The Power Clips can be rotated! And they will get exported to DWG.
:arrow: MSP sheets will export WYSIWYG to (model space) DWG, with clipped blocks.
:arrow: You will be able to select MSP details by clicking on them in the Multilayout view.
:arrow: MSP detail and GTV names can be up to 80 characters long! Yeehaaa!
:arrow: Boolean, boolean, boolean! Add, subtract, or get the Difference, with ANY 3D shape! And you can do this will multiple objects at once.
#13015 by Paul Nida
Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:00 am
As always, thanks for the information Neil. Those of us that can't attend these meetings have come to rely on your notes and observations. I haven't had time to fully digest your notes yet but the first 2 items jumped out at me.

Neil Blanchard wrote:Greetings,

:arrow: You can link any entity to a GTV within the same file.

How is this different than what we already have? I have been using the hyperlinks to GTV's and files for years.

:arrow: Pop up tooltip for Hyperlinks.

Similarly, how is this different from the control right click popup we have now?

I will reread your notes when I have more time to spend on it. But I think that much of the rest of it I am going to need to see before I have many comments.

Once again thanks for sharing the information with the rest of us.
#13016 by Paul Nida
Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:04 am
One more quick question for Neil and Josh. Do you have any idea when the video will be available for us see or download? This is probably more for Josh than Neil.
#13020 by joshhuggins
Wed Aug 02, 2006 10:18 am
Neil was using the video for his notes, and seeing that they are posted here now, I'd guess he'll be shipping it anytime. It took 3 days to get the tape to him (even though it was the wrong type :oops: ) so I'll try to get it up sometime next week. I have to get approval on the content from Mark M. before it goes public, so watch here when it's ready. I figure I'll need a evening or two for editing and posting.
#13025 by Paul Nida
Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:03 pm
I understand Josh, and I don't mean to put pressure on you. I was just curious as to the status. I hope you get it up quickly but I hope it is after the beta release. If you know what I mean.
#13026 by Sinha
Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:20 pm
Hi Neil,
Greats Features!! But What about other improvements such as,

1.Arcs - Under Ployline, when you drag, it shows segments, Will it have a smooth factor?
2.Dynamic Leader Arrows - Changing its orientation with leader
3.Polyline Snapping, Automatic Snapping, Snapping Flyouts
4.Smooth Arc Factor with Custom Lines?
5.Ctrl-Right Click to Explode Dimensions
6.Override Text in Associated Dimensions

7.Menus in Context?

I really like the features you mentioned, Any word on the Above?

#13028 by Mark F. Madura
Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:47 pm

Here is the portion of the DBUG meeting notes (from July) for DataCAD v12 with Mark's edits.

Mark Madura reminded us about a few special mouse commands documented in the ReadMe file.

[Ctrl] + Click, sets the reference point.
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + Click, object snaps and sets the reference point.

He told us that Dave Giesselman implemented these shortcuts during a flight they took returning from Belgium.

P.S. If you're ever in Belgium, Mark and Dave highly-recommend having Mousse Aux Trois Chocolats.

[Alt] + Click, prompts you to link an entity to a GoTo View or takes you to the corresponding GoTo View if you have already assigned one.

Another shortcut worth noting but not documented in the ReadMe...

[Ctrl] + [Left Arrow], restores the previous view immediately prior to hyperlinking to a GoTo View. This is analogous to [Alt] + [Left Arrow] which can be used in a web browser to return to the previous URL. This allows you to navigate to a hyperlink and go back to where you started from.

Next, he showed us Alpha 53B, and here are the features more or less in the order that he presented them:

:arrow: Tooltip for Hyperlinks If an entity is linked to a GoTo View, the dynamic snap indicator tooltip will also display the GoTo View name.
:arrow: Symbol Scale Similar to Text Scale, allows you to change the size of any symbol, based on the plot scale.
:arrow: Dynamic Rotate When you rotate a symbol (or any entity for that matter), you can now see the whole symbol; rather than just the extents box.
:arrow: New Symbol Tools A new addition to the context-sensitive Symbol Tools menu allows you to edit unexploded symbols on the fly. The changes you make can be saved to the current drawing only and/or to the hard disk, or to a new symbol definition. Whew.

Updated Symbol Tools Menu

Image Image
Insert Symbol DataCAD 11 versus DataCAD 12

:arrow: Insert Symbol, Current View A new toggle, Current View, allows you to place a symbol relative to it's world orientation rather than orthogonal to the current construction plane (i.e., screen). Mark placed a flag symbol onto a site model while in an isometric view, and was able to rotate it dynamically.


:arrow: Smart Walls (2 ½ weeks since the previous presentation!) now have working Wall Styles. A foundation wall style (like a line type), that is drawn with a footing. There is a “control line” which is the line from which you draw. You can currently have 2, 3 or 4 lines in the wall, but eventually, you will have “n” number of lines; maybe just 1 or as many as a dozen.

Wall Types Manager Dialog

:arrow: Wall Types can use the current color, line type, and spacing or they can have preset values.
:arrow: Windows Line Types are scale independent, so that no matter what scale they are plotted or viewed, they maintain the same spacing. They are applied to DataCAD line types, similar to how we can apply line types to a hatch pattern. This is similar to hand-drafted dashed lines that are always the same spacing, no matter the scale.

Windows Line Type applied to curves

:arrow: WYSIWYG Line Widths via Windows Pen Widths may allow us to assign pen widths on a per entity basis versus by color.

Smart Wall lines are numbered from the outside to the inside, so line 1 is the outside line, and each additional line is offset from the previous – it is cumulative; not a datum. Regardless of the input method you use to draw walls, i.e., outside, inside, center, line 2, etc., you need to indicate which side is the inside (or outside if you are drawing by inside).

Since Smart Walls know inside from outside, doors and windows know which way to orient themselves when they are placed in a wall.

:arrow: Stretch a wall and the spaces between the lines are maintained – it is a Smart Wall, after all!
:arrow: You can change the type of wall: from a foundation wall (with four lines) to a two line gypsum wall, and the control line is maintained. You can have different control lines while still using the same wall style. This all gets rather “wordy”, but it makes a lot more sense when you see it live.
:arrow: You have got to see the video for this: all the Smart Wall segments that you create consecutively are one entity by default (i.e., "linked") or optionally unlinked. When you move them by Entity, they clean up automatically. Ditto for Stretching – though you will not be able to change the wall width via stretch. You change the wall width via the Wall Type definition rather than stretching it.

Short Video Clip

:arrow: You will be able to explode Smart Walls to “dumb” entities, and you can use Save Image on them, too.
:arrow: Smart Walls are very usable for 2D drafting, and you'll get the 3D “for free”, if you want to use it. Their definitions are like line types in a way: update one and all walls of that type will be affected; which is very different than we have had up until now. Eventually, the Smart Walls will be view and/or scale dependent.
:arrow: The Wall definition files are just text files.
:arrow: The entity properties dialog will let you change the layer.
:arrow: Smart Doors: you can change the type of door via the properties dialog. (Dialog boxes are more common with Smart Entities.) We will have a single bi-fold door – what we have been missing forever! Yay!
All the 2D and the 3D components of a Smart Door/Window can be adjusted – via the dialog.
:arrow: Smart Windows (like the doors) end up in the wall when you Copy it, automatically. Stretch one jamb of a Window/Door, then the whole unit updates. Window and Door Styles will let them work like SketchUp's components – they'll update automatically all through the drawing.
:arrow: Specific brands and models of windows and doors would be done as symbols.
:arrow: New Toolbars: revamped Productivity Pack toolbars.
Inherited highlighting for nested XREF's will be determined on a per drawing basis.
:arrow: When you dynamically rotate symbols, you can see the symbol, rather than just the extents box – and other tricks that are best explained by watching the video.
:arrow: Implied deselect! (You folks who use Multiple will like this!)
:arrow: Select by Fence can now have 100 points, instead of “just” 36
:arrow: Fence Clips can be applied to symbols, XREFs, and MSP details and can have an unlimited number of points. The drawing Clip Cubes will still be rectangular. The reason is that symbols and XREF's have their own memory space. The Power Clips can be rotated! And they will get exported to DWG.
:arrow: MSP sheets will export WYSIWYG to (model space) DWG, with clipped blocks.
:arrow: You will be able to select MSP details by clicking on them in the Multi layout view.
:arrow: GTV names can be up to 80 characters long! Yeehaaa!
:arrow: Boolean, Boolean, Boolean! Add, subtract, or get the Difference, with ANY 3D shape! And you can do this will multiple objects at once.

#13029 by Mark F. Madura
Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:57 pm
What about other improvements such as,
1.Arcs - Under Ployline, when you drag, it shows segments, Will it have a smooth factor?
2.Dynamic Leader Arrows - Changing its orientation with leader
3.Polyline Snapping, Automatic Snapping, Snapping Flyouts
4.Smooth Arc Factor with Custom Lines?
5.Ctrl-Right Click to Explode Dimensions
6.Override Text in Associated Dimensions
7.Menus in Context?

1. Yes, arcs now draw smoothly during dynamic input based on the current arc factor setting.
2. Not implemented yet, but it is on our to do list.
3. Yes, object snapping now applies to polylines.
4. Custom lines will always be limited to the number of segments in the line type definition.
5. You'll be able to access the entity properties editor for any entity via [Ctrl] + Right-click.
6. Custom text in associative dimensions is not implemented yet but is on our to do list.
7. What do you mean by "Menus in Context?"

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