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#45702 by Julin
Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:35 pm
There have been numerous changes since the early daze of DC. Following the course I stopped updating at DC8. The migration to different Operating systems was good. The core functionality seems to have remained - with many quirks resolved. Personally I got use to working it that way.

Now I find there is this o2s render thing for the internet, and something called "sketcher". OK, For those of us still using stone knives and bows (slide rules and protractors).... how about a straight-forward, step by step instruction. Something that should come with the program or be readily available for the novice.

Granted, the PDf manual (all ~625 pages) looks similar to what I read with DC5. I need meat that wont clog the arteries - or take me back to grade school.

Is there a simple overview? For us simple folk?

Drawing it is the easy part... presenting, rendering, ouch... whats with all the talk of transfering it back and forth between various programs? Where are these programs and why are they not a part of what you use to draw? For those of you using the system continously for some time this "in-the-box" group-think is fine. For the rest of us who are trying to climb back into the box - need some abridged guidance without surfing some 2,646 forum topics or responses.

IMHO.. thanks for letting me ramble.

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