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#54274 by joshhuggins
Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:13 pm
The Symbol Insert & Paste Line Factor enlargements are linked where the X,Y&Z enlargments are not. Can we get this line factor connection broken between the Symbol and Paste menus?

Enlarge Legend = X/Y/Z/Line Factor
If Current Symbol Enlarge = 4/4/4/4 & Current Paste Enlarge = 4/4/4/4
And User Sets Paste Enlarge Set All = 7
Then Paste Enlarge = 7/7/7/7 & Symbol Enlarge = 4/4/4/7

If Current Symbol Enlarge = 4/4/4/4 & Current Paste Enlarge = 4/4/4/4
And User Sets Symbol Insert Enlarge Set All = 7
Then Paste Enlarge = 4/4/4/7 & Symbol Enlarge = 7/7/7/7

We end up not noticing while inserting, and end up with symbols/entities with incorrect line spacing. Also the Attention bar only calls out the XYZ factors. Line spacing would be nice to get added at the end like, Enlargment= 4.0 x 4.0 x 4.0 x 4.0.

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