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#56289 by Bruce111
Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:11 am
Drawing information timer

I know this was spoken of previously but I can not seem to find it on the forum and also how the timer works is not mentioned in the manual.

I have started to use the timer facility for charge out on projects, is a great little feature to have built in to Datacad. However at the end of the day I find that I have not worked the hours I think I have worked. Does Datacad know if I take 5 minutes longer for my lunch breaks or how many coffee breaks I have during the day? Does Datacad know if I switch programs or if I fall asleep at the keyboard? Is Datacad watching me! :lol:

From what I think I have worked out does the timer work on actual working within Datacad. By that I mean mouse movements and keyboard inputs and not the time the drawing is open. If so what is the time interval between inputs that keep the timer going (say 30 seconds before the timer stops for example, :idea: and I wonder if this could be an variable input setting somewhere, to allow individuals to set this accordingly. No biggie thou) If this is correct I like the way this currently works :D . When charging out to clients I use a conversion factor of between 1.5 and 1.75 depending on the complexity of the project to allow for my thinking time (or any of the above conditions).

Can anyone confirm my suspicions.

Happy Christmas one and all


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