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User warning when opening a file

PostPosted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:29 am
by Paul Nida
We work on a network with several people working on a project at the same time. Each project has a large number of drawing files with both master files and xrefs. Recently we have been having a problem with DCAD allowing someone to open a file while someone else is already working on it. It doesn't happen all the time but sporadically and it happens with different files. It seems to happen quite a bit when people have had the file open for a long period of time, but not always. Sometimes it gives the warning that the file was not closed properly with no option but to say okay and open the file anyway. I would like to have this dialog changed to give you an opt out similar to the one that you get with the warning that someone else has the file open, instead of just the "OK" button.

This morning I went to open a file and got a warning that someone else had it open but it didn't tell me who had it open, when it was opened or anything like that. Those fields were left blank, the only information it gave me was that it was opened in DCAD v.11. I checked and found that the person who had it open did so in DCAD 15. I don't think anyone in our office has v.11 loaded on their machine anymore. I have v.14 loaded on my machine but I don't think anyone else has any thing but v.15 loaded on theirs.

We are working on DCAD (SE), we have not updated to the latest version because we are working with some people who are still working on v.14 and we don't want to have to keep saving back to v.14. So until we get those updated we are stuck.

Has anyone else experienced any problems like this? Or does anyone have a clue as to what might be causing this?

Re: User warning when opening a file

PostPosted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:55 pm
by dmartens
We also had this problem in our office but as far as I could tell it was because some of the users had not upgraded to the latest version of DC. We are all on (PE) now and the problem has gone away (so far anyway).
