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Layers - Empty Layers off button..!!!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:41 am
by Clayton Taylor
To all,

I must have dreamt this but I thought we had a command to turn off "empty layers". :!:

I use go-to-views & in general a standard layer list from project to project, this over time has increased in the number of layers. On the start of a new project I usually have all empty layers off & then start forming new go to views as the project plans evolve.

However for some reason on this new project I didn't have all the empty layers off when I was about to save my first go to view, so I thought.......I know, I'll click on that "empty layers off" button,.... :?

O.k. it looks like we don't have one of these, so just wondered if anyone else thinks this would be a good addition to DataCAD... :?:

Over & out,

Ps. I've also been meaning to ask, where does Dave A Giessleman get those cool moving avatars from on this forum..???

Re: Layers - Empty Layers off button..!!!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:58 am
by Roger D
In the Layer Manager Box you can Delete empty layers.

Having empty layers on in a view isn't bad. My default layer group has my basic GTV set up already for Existing, Demo, New and Ceiling Plans as an example, and they all start with nothing on most. Some layers have a sample note, dimension or hatches ready to use.