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Export to Sketchup Issue

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:35 pm
by melina
I'm finding that I cannot export to Sketchup - simply nothing happens. It's as if no command was selected at all and there is no skp file to be found. I made sure that I have the latest update. I also tried saving to SU v.7 as well as 8 - nothing. Purged, rebooted, tried files large and small, you name it - still nothing.

As a check, I tried a model that I created in the spring with Dcad15 and had exported to SU with no problems at that time. When I try to export that aec file to SU using Dcad16, nothing happens. So I'm fairly certain it isn't the drawing files themselves.

Any ideas anyone?


Re: Export to Sketchup Issue

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:51 pm
by MtnArch
If you're trying to export a 2D drawing to SU it won't work - you will need to export it out as a DWG and then import it in SU. If it's a 3D that your sending over to SU, Bob Scott may have some other ideas.

Re: Export to Sketchup Issue

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:15 pm
by melina
These are definitely 3d models. And, as I said, models that exported normally with 15 and earlier aren't exporting now.

Please note, there is nothing being created by Datacad, so there is nothing to import into Sketchup.

Re: Export to Sketchup Issue

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:13 pm
by Robert Scott
I just performed a test using a exploded and non exploded symbol along with some 2D geometry...everything exported to SU V8 from DC16 just fine for me. IF I start in a clean V6 file. I just tried opening an older file created in V12 in V16 and did the luck.

Re: Export to Sketchup Issue

PostPosted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:18 am
by melina
Yeah, I was working with some older projects when I discovered this. I had hoped that purging & saving the new files in v16, restarting the app, etc. might fool v16, but no.

Exporting to dwg & 3ds works, but that really makes messy models in SU and loses a lot of material/texture info. If I have to, I will do that, but hopefully the Dcad gurus may have some guidance.

Re: Export to Sketchup Issue

PostPosted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:08 pm
by Robert Scott
Curios if you found a solution to the appears all the "gurus" are still hungover from turkey dinner ;)
Have you tried opened the old file in V16 and doing a copy/paste into a clean V16 file? Lots of work arounds but that's not really the point.


Re: Export to Sketchup Issue

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:59 am
by melina
I've been in contact with the gurus directly and the issue is being looked at. At the moment, it seems, at least on my system, to be a SketchUp 2013 issue. Neither of my dcad 15 or 16 installations would export until I downgraded back to Sketchup 8. Anything created in SketchUp 2013 won't import into either dcad versions unless saved as version 8. My system/installation matches theirs except the SU version. They are looking into it further.

If they don't post here, I will. Thanks for asking!

Re: Export to Sketchup Issue

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:47 am
by melina
I fixed my problem.

I just installed a clean copy of SU 2013 with a fresh download from Trimble. Did some tests, I even tried a large dc5 model (took a few minutes), they all came out fine.

Still not sure why that mattered as Mark Toce verified that the translators are stand-alone and don't require SU to be installed at all. But I'm not about to poke the sleeping bear at this point...

Thanks again for your responses!

Re: Export to Sketchup Issue

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:58 am
by Robert Scott
Are you able to import/export V16 to Sketchup 2013 now?

Re: Export to Sketchup Issue

PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 12:27 pm
by melina
Just Export.

Importing is still an issue. Mark Toce verified this. Anything created in SU 2013 has to be saved as a SU version 8 file (or lower) if you want to import it into Datacad, for the time being. I was told they literally just received info from the makers of SketchUp to work on this.

Luckily, a lot of components off the net (warehouse, manufacturer's SU models) are still in v.8 or earlier.