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#63518 by phegan
Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:18 am
Hello All, just got a new workstation, with a fresh install of X3. Of course a bunch of stuff and functionality is missing. I can's seem to locate the support files that contain the INI file with the true /false toggles. I have searched through the manual... to no avail. We are a small shop, and I don't want to run up the phone support bill any more.I just don't know why this info isn't more readily available or why Datacad doesn't have a more useful default setting. Any help from the dcad community would be greatly appreciated.

#63524 by phegan
Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:47 pm
Thanks for that Neil, yes it was downloaded and the softlock app run. Its been years since I have tinkered with the INI files. It looks so unfamiliar. I am looking to get back some of the cad basics like offset as a key command and crossing area select. everyone in the office has it set up differently, so I'm on my own on this. I appreciate your help tons by the way.

#63527 by phegan
Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:30 pm
Roger, that is what is what I was looking for. Thanks to Neil's advice i can see the Support files now. However, I cannot find the Dcadwin.INI file, is it called something else now or is it someplace else?
#63528 by Roger D
Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:32 pm
the .ini file is in the root datacad directory, C:\datacad13\datacad.ini.
#63532 by phegan
Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:02 pm
Nailed it! awesome... thank again guys for your help ( I'm my own worst enemy sometimes), It was staring at me the whole time.

Could any of you gents give me a quick primer on resetting Aliases via the DCADWIN.DCA File ( if that's even how its done)? I want to set a key command to, lets say, inherit the properties of a Line, such as
"Alt I"
#63535 by Roger D
Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:12 pm
The .mcr, dca and toolbar files all follow the basic same format for the command.

in the .mcr it looks like
\\ I- Identify Set All (this line is optional, for description)

.dca has it as:
comment=match properties (identify\set all)

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