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Plotting pdf in datacad 16

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:12 pm
by jallen9960
The first time I plot a drawing in pdf everything works just fine. If I replot later the plots have red x by them(no plot). If I change the drawing ID then it plots ok, the first time, not the next. I end up changing the dwg ID again, again, and again. What am I doing wrong?


Re: Plotting pdf in datacad 16

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:56 pm
by joshhuggins
Can you post examples of your file name and path? Do you have periods in your file names? Is there an error message that shows with the red x?

Re: Plotting pdf in datacad 16

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:09 pm
by jallen9960
Red x show up in the plot program. Remember the dwg plots ok the first time. Only on subsequent plots does it give me the red x, and the not on all sheets. Very weird. If I change Dwg ID it plots okay. Until the next plot.

Re: Plotting pdf in datacad 16

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:59 pm
by Ted B
Rather than using Dcad's .pdf, for years I've been using a PDFill PDF Image Writer as an installed virtual .PDF printer outputted to a plot-folder. Then using PDFill PDF Tools to assemble the individual pages into one .pdf-file both for record and for batch-printing. The composite .pdf-file are also useful for emailing complete drawing sets to clients and contractors without worrying about CAD-file formats, fonts, Xrefs or pen-tables -- or in releasing a live CAD-file.

I have never been comfortable releasing a live CAD-file. Too many ways either the file can be "contaminated"; or for layers, Xrefs or views being mis-plotted or mistreated.

Re: Plotting pdf in datacad 16

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:51 am
by Bruce111
I have seen this before. This normally happens when I have the pdf file open in a pdf editor, so the file is being used in another program. Once I close the PDF editor all prints well from Datacad.

I hope this helps

Plotting pdf in datacad 16

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:51 am
by Roger D
Typically I have my plots set up for sheet on 24x36 but today wanted to batch plot the detaills/GoToViews to a letter size sheet since they should fit there.
Is there any way to batch plot many details and have them auto center / rotate to a piece of paper. I just tried to batch plot and all I get is a blank sheet.