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PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:16 pm
by GARY247
We have had three computers now in the office that have had problems with drawings dumping out with no dbk files created. I tried renaming the $wp files and the file will not open. I put all the drawings that there were in the temp file of dcad 16 on the computer where the drawing was being worked on in into an old file just to isolate them.The common denominator seems to be all this is taking place after the most recent update. Has any one else had this problem.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:34 pm
by Neil Blanchard
Hi Gary,

We're using v16.02.00.07 (SE) and we have not been seeing this.

There is an additional place to look for backup files, after a crash: C:\DataCAD 16\RECOVER_ARCHIVE Have you looked there?