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Problem with .dwg export font size: Redux

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:31 am
by Hundreds of Bears
This is an issue we've been dealing with since DataCAD 15

see the original forum post here:

To recap: When exporting to a .dwg file, the text size comes out too big and out of place. This issue is fixed by placing the file chr2shx.dat in the directory C:\DataCADXX\Fonts\

I've been dutifully doing this, and/or reminding/helping everyone in our office with every new version of DataCAD.... Until 18.

The file is in the folder, DataCAD has been closed and reopened, my PC restarted, the file appears to be intact.

And, it's just not working.

Anyone else experiencing this? OR Have a solution?

In the meantime I'm using 17 for exports.

Re: Problem with .dwg export font size: Redux

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 11:45 am
by Mark F. Madura
DXF_DWG_Tab.jpg (87.44 KiB) Viewed 10248 times
What is the state of the 'Use CHR2SHX.DAT to Adjust Text' checkbox on the DXF/DWG Tab of Program Preferences? This corresponds to the following DCADWIN.INI key:

Adjust Text Sizing=FALSE

Re: Problem with .dwg export font size: Redux

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:20 pm
by Hundreds of Bears

That was it. :D



here's a quick question though... Why isn't all this built in to dcad?

Again, thanks for your help, and very quick reply. Thank you.

Re: Problem with .dwg export font size: Redux

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:19 pm
by Hundreds of Bears
OKAY... soooo.


I am pulling my hair out... Every time I check this stupid box hit apply, and then okay, and then close program preference and reopen it the box is un-checked.

meanwhile all the text is still waaaay too big in AutoCAD

also I can't the find dcadwin.ini

This is useless... I am so irritated right now.

Re: Problem with .dwg export font size: Redux

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:30 pm
by Hundreds of Bears
as an update I found the dcadwin.ini file

tried it with both TRUE and FALSE and it still does not want to work.

Re: Problem with .dwg export font size: Redux

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:37 pm
by Hundreds of Bears
On further inspection I think it is resizing text to AutoCAD ... but not enough... is there a ratio for this someplace?

Re: Problem with .dwg export font size: Redux

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:41 pm
by joshhuggins
Open the file in a simple text editor and you can adjust the values as needed. You can also add/replace fonts that may not be listed. Takes some testing.

Re: Problem with .dwg export font size: Redux

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:48 pm
by Hundreds of Bears

I'm heading home for today, on Monday, I'll make a number of exports, including out of 17, and report back with my findings.

Re: Problem with .dwg export font size: Redux

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:02 am
by Hundreds of Bears

So I've done a few experiments at this point.

the Text resizing is working, but I had t edit the CHR2SHX.dat file to get the text size in AutoCAD close to right...

This never seemed to be a problem with DCAD 17 ... has something changed in the way DataCAD handles/exports text for version 18?

The other related issue I'm having, is that whether Adjust Text Sizing=TRUE, or FALSE (in dcadwin.ini) the corresponding check box in the Program Preference [DWG/DXF] dialogue is ALWAYS unchecked.

This is disconcerting. Is there any chance we could get a patch, so the checkbox reflects the actual setting from the dcadwin.ini file ?

I hope this all makes sense. Thanks to everyone for their quick responses, time and expertise.

Re: Problem with .dwg export font size: Redux

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:12 am
by joshhuggins
Hundreds of Bears wrote:This never seemed to be a problem with DCAD 17 ... has something changed in the way DataCAD handles/exports text for version 18?
In v 18.03 the CHR2SHX.dat file is now included in the Fonts folder by default. Before we had to add it in ourselves and Datacad would automatically use the file if it was present. It should have only been enabled in v18.03 if the checkbox at the bottom of the DXF/DWG tab of the Program Prefs was checked, but Mark M. is still working out some of the kinks in the new Program Pref tabs so maybe it's state was set to on after the update and that's when you noticed the exporting not going as planned. That's just a guess. I'd set the value manually in a text editor to what you want and ignore the dialog check box until they can get it patched up. Enabling the files use and getting the values set in the CHR2SHX.dat file is probably the way to get the closest export to what you have in Datacad vs. not using the file.