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Window In Issues in Win 10

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:23 pm

After I upgraded to Win 10, I noticed that when I was in the middle of a session of DataCAD and I then went online to the internet, that when I returned to DataCAD and scrolled the mouse button to enlarge/reduce the drawing contents, that drawing contents either enlarged off the screen or reduced to a point. I could get it back by hitting the extents button but the scrolling functions of the mouse had to be avoided. I could reset this issue back to normal by saving the drawing and reloading it. This was not happening in Win 7. Anyone else had these issues? Any solutions?

Re: Window In Issues in Win 10

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 3:59 pm
A partial answer to my own question, is it appears to be the mouse driver as I have the same condition when trying to zoom in and out on Google Earth after I go on to the Internet while in the middle of a session.