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#5645 by artmanvt2000
Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:28 am
I don't know if this has been discussed before, but here it goes. We often scan sketches and draw over them, mostly floor plans and site plans. My question is, is there way to make the image a "background"? I would really like it if there was a a way to have ALL on layers display the image and not just the active layer. It is a real pain to have to toggle through the layers just to see how each layer is overlaying the scanned image. Thank you to all that can help.
#5646 by Nick Pyner
Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:44 am
I routinely draw over a bitmap. The bitmap is displayed on one layer and all the drawing is done on other layers.

Sometimes the drawing is not visible over the bitmap. This can be fixed with the u or ESC key depending on whether the display list is on or not. Try both. Layer refresh order does not seem to have any effect. Nor do the relative physical heights of the drawing and the bitmap.
#5647 by Dick Eades
Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:53 am
I do this frequently. One tip for graying out the bitmap is to open it in an image editor, I use IrfanView, and change the color to a very light gray; then save it under another name.

In the DataCAD file, I put the image layer first in the list and set the display to refresh the layers in order. This will draw the image layer first and the other drawing layers will be on top.
#5649 by joshhuggins
Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:42 am
If you have a layer for the boarder, you could put the bitmap on that layer, but I'm sure there has to be sometimes you do not want it to display. Also Dick's method would work best, if it doesn't goof up office standards or something.
#5679 by Dick Eades
Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:31 pm
I find that it has no effect on office standards since the color displayed by the bitmap is not the entity color assigned to a pen. Anyway, my trace-over bitmaps are never printed since they are only temporary. And, if they were printed they are so light they hardly show up at all in a print.

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