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#12882 by am
Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:14 pm
Hello all,

I've come across a bit of a problem saving plots to PDF from the plot preview in DC 11. When I preview the plot everything looks great but once I save and open the plot in Acrobat standard v.7 there are borders missing or phantom lines/rubbish appearing around the edge. This is different on every drawing too. I am plot previewong from a Quicklayout (no MSP)

However, when I print straight to PDF (selecting Acorbat as my printer) everything looks great. Unfortunately this takes longer and produces largers file sizes then the saving option. Has anyone else come across this problem? I'm mostly just curious if this is a glitch or if I'm doing something wrong.

#12884 by Tony Blasio
Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:53 am
I have noticed the gibberish you mention only if I use an X-Clip on a drawing that contains True Type Fonts outside of the clipped area.

Does this apply to your situation?
#12889 by joshhuggins
Tue Jul 25, 2006 12:14 pm
I've had this happen also. Started in v.10 I believe, but has gotten a lot better w/ updated versions of v.11. I still get it every once and a while and Tony is correct about the xclips with TTF's causing it. I know a file that is completely composed of xrefs does it but would be hard to re-create at tech support. I'll try to remember to send in an example later. The garbage ends up around the page margins of the PDF's. It used to show on edges of the drawing windows while drawing too. I don't think the pen tables have anything to do with it FWIW.
#12890 by Steve Scott
Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:18 pm
This is a known bug and was confirmed to me by either Mark T or Dave G
sometime a couple of years ago, during v10.

What I've always noticed is that (and it doesn't require a clip cube,
although it happens to a clip cube, too) when True Type Fonts are located
outside either a plotting window or clip cube, DataCAD projects a "shadow"
of the TTF's inward to the plot window or cc boundary - as if there were a
light source at infinte distance, and this happens in all four directions - and
creates lines at the edge of these boundaries. He said it was a code
glitch in how Dcad works with TTF's. I've not heard of a coming fix. In
my experience it doesn't matter if I'm plotting directly or plotting to PDF.
These lines appear in the preview window, too.

It can really muck up a set of plans, especially the pretty ones we give to
design boards that use nice TTF's. Workarounds are 1) to know this is
happening, and 2) either temporarily erase all TTF's outside a plot window
or change them to the non-plot color prior to plotting.

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