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#13323 by deliriousga
Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:20 pm
I'm having trouble with a symbol I created. I have the glass rendering properly in one file, but when the symbol is placed in another file it becomes opaque and gray. I have checked the rendering settings for the layer the symbol is on in both files and they match.

Is there something out there that can cause this problem and is easy to fix?

#13331 by devinder
Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:14 pm
If there are more than one symbol in your drawing and you are rendering by layer and this glass symbol contained rendering information, you could be inhibiting this problem. The reason being if the same layer name (for symbol entities) existed when the symbol was read into drawing, since layer was not needed to be generated it skipped the reading of rendering settings.
Create a blank new drawing. Drop the symbol into the drawing with EXPLODE ON and ORIGINAL LAYERS ON. Goto Layers Manager and rename all Layers to a Unique Name ex Layer1(Glass), Layer2(Glass). Apply the changes and close the layer manager. Purge the glass symbol from Utility\Directory dialog. You can change any rendering settings now if you wish. Finally Re-create the glass symbol on your hard drive. Close the drawing. Open your working drawing and reload the symbol. All should work now.

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