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#13533 by Arthur Emmanuel
Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:52 pm
With the 3D model, to use to hide lines. Façades and roof. Planes and cross-section with cube of cut or cut in 3D. When saving hiding lines, to create to layer with the name corresponte, for example, to layer rightfaçade for the right façade of the project. We detail this façade with elements not gifts in the 3D, but that they are necessary for one better communication of the drawing.

Now we will locate the views in relation to the 3D. With the centered 3D model, the right façade, I rotate in 90° and I locate next to the 3D model to the right side thus it has a correspondence of the projections between two objects. Thus we make with all the views. The final result seems a drawing lesson technician, goes to mention itself to this set as “projections” (3D model and views if corresponding).

In this point, start to generate the internal references, leaving on an only one to layer of each sight in each internal reference, launched distant of the drawing of the “projections”, thus I can mount the plates for impression of the drawing, I rotate the views that to find necessary. For example, I produce a reference internal, I only bind to layer rightfaçade with the remain of layers off in the gerenciador of references, and make a rotation of -90° (270°) in the internal reference, inside of a drawing of a A2 plate, with edge and stamp, distant of the “projections”. Then I go creating the new internal references for layers individual correspondents.

Why this procedure? Any alteration of the 3D model or one of the views I modify in the “projections” quickly without using pan or GTV and indicate it program to bring up to date all the internal references of an only time that already are fit as organized plates. This type of operation with internal references is better that to bring up to date the cut 3D, considering that many times we want details in 2D that they are not part of the 3D.

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