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#13743 by RCArchitex
Fri Sep 15, 2006 5:11 am
Hi Debuggers,
I have a small drawing of an apartment - hopefully to be xref-inserted into a larger assemblage / layout.
Directory within Dcad indicates it is 14424k ( 14 megs!)
In explorer it says its about 2 megs - OK - so it gets shrunk on exit - but this drawing hasn't got much in it - just 6 walls and 3 doors and some symbols for furniture.
What gives?
If this drawing gets bigger it will / or will it - balloon?
I notice when I close the drawing I get a report during the save ( purge) that the process involves "saving symbols to new file" - is this OK? - it all takes time.
I first noticed a long saving ( purge) time on exit - takes about 8 seconds - which for a 14 meg drawing is understandable - but still - why 14 megs?
Ive worked on much larger thiungs and Im sure this wasnt happening.
Did I press the wrong button somewhere?
Any comments most appreciated.
#13746 by Greg Blandin
Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:27 am
I would say to first go into your layer manager and take a look at the number of entities on each layer.

This may be an indication of where most the file size is coming from.
#13747 by Neil Blanchard
Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:53 am
Hello RC,

You're right -- there is about a 10:1 compression on the size of the file, when it is open (in RAM) vs the AEC file.

The furniture symbols may be huge, and there may be unused symbols, too? In the Symbol Browser/Options menu, try using the Purge Unused Symbols, and then close (and save) and reopen the file, and see if that reduces the file size?

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