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#1473 by kapone085
Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:57 pm
Is there a way we can increase the # of characters in a single text box line thingy? we have a little copyright disclaimer on top of our titleblock and it is one line, but two sections. with sizes and aspect it's just silly to spend more time than needed.

I also have a font that doesn't register with my titleblocks.

The titles were created with font "A"

I had to install datacad 11.01.05 again. (a worm corrupted my hard drive)

A ____ load of $$$ later, i reinstalled & updated Datacad 11

now my titles have font "B"

i change them back to font "A" but i have to go through all my default
drawings, as well as the drawings i am currently working on. :evil:

is there a fix for that annoying problem too?


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