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#21213 by MJ Kant
Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:59 am
A problem has developed with my Symbol Browser that I hoped someone would have a fix to. When I try to change to a different symbol folder (select the folder icon and then click on folder on the drop down menu the folder menu does not open. When I click on the drawing area, all I get is a "ding" sound. If anyone has any suggestions to solve this it would be appreciated.
#21231 by Ted B
Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:10 pm
Should I have to delete those lines of code EVERY TIME I start Datacad? It's getting tedious needing to do this the start of every day's work-session. And today, I can't get it to shift folders even when those lines are missing...I had to work all-day without access to symbols. I even restarted my PC...and it still locks-up I just can't afford ten, twenty-minutes every day fighting with Datacad to get my work-day started.

Why do those four-lines of code keep returning to that file?

I'm using the same single Gateway LCD monitor and PC that I've used for many this a corrupted file? Or, a genuine viral-bug? It's been doing this ever-since I upgraded MS Internet Explorer-7.....

All I get is a locked-up Datacad that I have to use the Task Manager to shut down...nothing seems to break it free otherewise.
#21249 by Mark Toce
Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:21 am
Ted B wrote:Should I have to delete those lines of code EVERY TIME I start Datacad? It's getting tedious needing to do this the start of every day's work-session. And today, I can't get it to shift folders even when those lines are missing...I had to work all-day without access to symbols. I even restarted my PC...and it still locks-up I just can't afford ten, twenty-minutes every day fighting with Datacad to get my work-day started.

Why do those four-lines of code keep returning to that file?

I'm using the same single Gateway LCD monitor and PC that I've used for many this a corrupted file? Or, a genuine viral-bug? It's been doing this ever-since I upgraded MS Internet Explorer-7.....

All I get is a locked-up Datacad that I have to use the Task Manager to shut down...nothing seems to break it free otherewise.
No, this should not happen every time you use it. What other steps do you perform after opening the Browse dialog for the first time after resetting it? Does the problem occur if you just open it and click Cancel?
#21284 by Ted B
Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:16 pm
Yesterday, symbol browser locked-up all-day....never cleared.
PC turned off overnight....

a. Checked "dcadwindialogs.gui" first; lines after [Browse Folder] blank.

b. Started DCAD in a new drawing (as tried yesterday);
1. select "symbol"-icon on pull-down menu.
2. select "folder"-icon.
3. select "check"-icon labelled 'folder'. At this point yesterday it would lock-up and become a "non-responsive program"

Today it opened the "Browse"-window normally. (grrr....) YAH!!

4. closed DCAD.

5. opened the "dcwindialogs.gui"-file second time; now reads...
[Browse Folder]

5. restarted DCAD, and it's not locking-up...(for now)

One thing I did notice is that the "dcadwintoolbars.gui" file is also now re-dated as "today". Each time I alter the "dcadwindialos.gui" file, the dcadwintoolbar.gui file also redates or re-saves/alters itself.

Running Datacad-11 vers.11.08.01 (c) 1984-2005
Windows XP, service pack-2
Gateway Athlon 600-mHz with Nvidia graphics card, single 15" flat-panel. (yes, it's an old, tired PC)

Hope this helps....
#21309 by Greg Blandin
Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:23 pm
Ted B wrote:Running Datacad-11 vers.11.08.01 (c) 1984-2005

Well there's your problem! You are not running Version 12!

*wink wink*
#21360 by Mark Toce
Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:01 pm

Please try the following steps and let me know what happens.

After you start your computer in the morning, open the DcadwinDialogs.gui file and delete the [Browse Folder] section. Exit the file, saving changes, and run DataCAD. Open the symbol browser in a drawing and select the Browse Folder icon. Select any folder to browse, click OK to dismiss the dialog, then close your drawing and exit DataCAD completely.

Open the DcadwinDialogs.gui file and copy and paste the contects of the [Browse Folder] section into a text file for later.

Go back into DataCAD and continue working until you are able to recreate the problem of the Browse Folder dialog opening off screen.

Exit DataCAD, open the DcadwinDialogs.gui file and copy and paste the contects of the [Browse Folder] section into the same text file you used earlier. Post the text for that section before and after the problem occurs here.

Thank you,
#21387 by Nick Pyner
Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:49 pm
God, I wish I had read all this last night. :oops:
I can't find my V11 backup and re-installed DataCad from scratch because of this. It has never happened to me before and I thought it was some serious corruption.

I put it down to moving the browser to the second screen. I don't have the browser open for long periods and I have only just realised you can do this.

For me, the lesson is: always keep your DCad backup up-to-date and in the box of master disks.

For DataCad LLC, this is one that has to be fixed in V11.08.02 :roll:

The browser is back on screen #1
#22086 by deliriousga
Fri Mar 30, 2007 9:35 pm
Neil Blanchard wrote:Hi Nick,

If you designate the monitor that you want to Browse on as the Primary Monitor, then that should prevent it from happening.
One thing we found that helps with this is to make sure your secondary monitor has the same as or higher resolution than your primary monitor. When DataCAD closes, it records the position of the symbol browser on the monitor. If the symbol browser was placed on the secondary monitor and you have less pixels on the primary monitor, then the position that was recorded when DCAD closed does not exist any more.

This becomes a problem if you unplug the secondary monitor and the browser can't be put back in the same place DataCAD had recorded when you closed it. I ran into this when I got a new laptop. I plugged into a bigger monitor at the office that has higher resolution and use it as the secondary. When I took the laptop home and the symbol browser had previously been placed on the secondary screen, it would not work. After I changed the monitors so the secondary monitor had the lower resolution, the problem went away.

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