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#21662 by Giuseppe Barberio
Sat Mar 17, 2007 9:13 am
Need a little help with symbols in Datacad 11. I have my drawing sheet saved as a symbol. I have the common info that would appear on every drawing sheet as a text attribute (i.e. project address) on my drawing sheet. What I would like to do is redefine my drawing sheet text attribute in my drawing file only without changing whats in my symbol browser.

I would also like to apply this same idea where I may have inserted several instances of a light fixture and want to change those light fixtures in my drawing file only (without changing whats in the symbol browser), even if the light fixture symbols are on different layers that may be on and off.

Thank you for the help.

#21676 by Neil Blanchard
Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:24 pm
Hello Giuseppe,

Changing the text "value" of a Text Attribute will not affect the symbol on the hard drive. The text "value" of the Text Attribute only exists in that one instance of the symbol.
#21690 by Giuseppe Barberio
Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:14 am
Hey Neil,
Thanks for the response. Actually my issue with my title block text attribute was that I had created the text attribute with the property of being centered. I wanted to redefine the text attribute with the property of being fit to size for this one particular drawing file. I did not want the title block on my hard drive to change.

I was also wondering how this could apply with other symbols like in the light symbol example I gave in my original post above.

Thanks for the help.


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