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#27380 by joshhuggins
Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:11 pm
O.K. so I'm finally creating our own smart door and windows for our office and I am coming up with some questions and thought I'd try to keep them all in one place. Sorry if I repeat previously requested features or questions.

I am coming to some of the same conclusions / crossroads as ticomccr posted in this thread. I am finding that we need to be able to assign both 2D & 3D values for all of the options we currently have available in the managers (some do not apply to both 2D&3D of course). For example door jambs. I can not have them turned off (un-included) in 2D plan view without them turning off in 3D view. This applies to most of the tabs which have an include option. To make things more consistent across the board it just seems to scream that the 3D options have a 2D counterpart which can be be set to include, then we can set unique values. I know we can use the symbols for now to get the desired results, but as ticomccr brought up this is not too smart for these type of basic included functions. Kind of puts all of the hard work in the managers in the background. I know things are nowhere near done, but think this is important to be addressed along the way. I'm sure something like that is the plan, just wanted to squeak a little now that I am getting to really use the smart entities. One "simple" (space wise) addition to the managers could be a simple 2D/3D drop down (see image) that when set to 2D would allow you to set the 2D plan values for the currently selected tab, and similarly when set to 3D. The symbol method is still peachy keen for complex situations outside the range of tools within the managers.

And my first question on smart doors would be when creating new symbols for door handles, is the rule to design it so the handle is to the left and then Datacad orients it? Seems to be the case with the pre-made symbols. Thanks for letting me squeak a bit. :wink: Off to make some cool doors.

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