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Identify > "Set All" - Doesn't work for PText

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 7:27 am
by artmanvt2000
I am very disappointed that when one Identifies a Ptext item and selects "SET ALL", that it does NOT set any of the font settings to match the selected Ptext.

I don't know if it is because I haven't started using or creating text styles yet. I don't find that the text style is that useful. We primarily use two fonts (Arctext & ArcQuik). Arctext for titles & room names, which is usually added with symbols, and ArcQuik is used for notes. The only thing that verys is the text size for various drawing scales.

But getting back to my original issue. I find it very fusterating that the Identify > "SET ALL" doesn't work. It really slows the process of adding arrows and more text. I really hope that this is fixed SOON!!!!