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Batch-plotting .pdf files

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:04 pm
by Ted B
I've starting to experiment with .pdf files for distribution. When I try to batch-plot .pdf from my list of views, I just get a line across the bottom edge of the .pdf file's "page". I use multiple titleblock drwgs on the same drwg file, so I can't use "extents". If I use the "quick-layout" I get the drawing, but I have to manually rename it before I can select the next region of the drawing to plot. I had hoped that "views" would speed-up batch-plotting.

I don't like distibuting "live" CAD files openly due to professional liability and "instrument of service" issues. PDF's can't be altered or changed by others so there's less liability; but it's not worth the hassle so far...

Any suggestions? I'm probably doing, or not doing, something simple.

use MSP sheets

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:53 pm
by Neil Blanchard
Hello Ted:

You need to use MSP sheets, even if you only have one scale per sheet. Then the Batch Plot will then work as you are expecting it to. I would consider putting the border on at 12" (full) scale, and the drawing at whatever scale you need -- this way you only need one border per drawing (with different text for each sheet, naturally).