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#34491 by David Porter
Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:35 am
Was hoping to put together a quick DCAD 3d model of a backyard summer kitchen and spa for a client, export it directly to SketchUp that we can "now" do with v.12.06, and I was surprised at the pretty big mess that I got. With previous versions of DCAD, I used to DXF export, import it into SU, and off and running I would go about rendering the SU model and adding entourage.

With the SU direct-export method, seems that all of the individual elements that went from DCAD into SU come into SU as fixed components. I found that out when I couldn't seem to render anything in SU and then found that I either needed to edit a component, one at a time, or explode all of the components to then have individual surfaces be recognized.

I have attached what my DCAD model looks like when viewed in o2c and what it looks like when exported directly to SU and then viewed in SU. I did have the DCAD Views, then Rendering Settings, set to Render by Layer and not by color.


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