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#75351 by cgarchitect
Tue Dec 11, 2018 1:46 pm
I have a building with a irregular wall line - restaurant type bldg and want to have a 1/2 hip roof which follows the wall. This would create a covered area for guest to enter the restaurant while being covered. Thought about two shed roofs and then joining them. I also tried the 3d tilt up method so as to have a roof skin which could have a metal jpg assigned to it for the roof material. Tried both methods and cant seem to find a way to join the roofs. Any thoughts?

Also if I use the standard tool box roof it it doesnt allow me to add any material which could be used to show a metal roof. Would I have to add a extra 3d element to do this?

#75372 by dhs
Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:26 pm
Hi PJ,
I don't think there is currently any easy way to join 2 sloped shapes.

Not certain I completely understand your requirements, but I think the way I would do it is to draw the roof surfaces as horizontal polygons, and then (instead of rotating the polygons to the desired roof pitch) I would stretch the vertex in the Z direction to achieve the desired slope.
This is not as simple as it sounds though, as you not only need to stretch each vertex individually, but also need to get them all in the same plane. To do that I would view the model from a direction that is perpendicular to the slope (e.g. if your horizontal ridge line is parallel to the Y axis then view a front or back elevation), and draw temporary 3D guide lines. One guide line would need to be at the desired slope of the roof, and the others would be drawn vertically through each vertex that you need to move. to define the stretch distance for each vertex you can then snap to the actual vertex (as the starting point of the stretch distance) and then snap to the intersection of the appropriate guide lines to get the accurate stretch distance.

Hope that is understandable. It is rather cumbersome (and somebody else may have a better way to do it), but that is how I would approach it given the current tools that I am aware of.

I have on my to-do list the creation of a macro that would automate the joining of 3d polygons, but that is probably not going to happen any time soon...

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