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#82705 by Larry K.
Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:45 am
I've created a single Barn Door style smart door, but I'm trying to create a double style with 2 doors each sliding way from each other. How can that be done?
#82707 by Mark Bell
Tue Jan 09, 2024 6:46 pm
Hi Larry,

We use smart entities for all our projects and in most situations due to the pause with new features for smart entities you have to look for ways to work around any current limitations. I've inserted a DLF (zipped) of some examples of a externally hung sliding single door (barn style) using a smart door and modifying the various attributes. The example below is of a double sliding door shown 50% open in plan (mirror the single door) and in 3D BUT, this option shows the end cap of the cut in the smart wall so not ideal if using this for 3D renders. An alternative is shown which uses simple 3D vertical walls. Other options we have used include creating a smart 2D/3D symbol which then allows you to show more detail in both 2D and 3D as required, and/or, have them scale-dependent so more detail gets displayed as you automatically zoom in or out or change the plot scales.
Hope this helps.



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#82812 by Larry K.
Thu Feb 22, 2024 1:23 pm
Thanks Mark, my reply is late as I have forgotten about the question.
I have used your first method in the past by just like you stated there is a jamb in the middle of the double doors.
I never thought of using 3D vertical slabs but that seems like a lot of work.
But I appreciate your comment and I wish Datacad would fix this issue as Barn Doors are very commom now.


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