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#83120 by MtnArch
Sat Aug 03, 2024 10:42 am
In my "day" job I deal with Acad and do like their "sheet sets" for publishing, which will allow you to print or PDF multiple files into one PDF. Although I haven't tried to go too deep in the weeds, Batch Print seems to be what I'd like but not with having all of my linework in one mega file (had one too many file corruptions to trust that any longer).

I have come up with a workaround that (for me) makes sense: creating a "Plot Drawing" where I have xref'd all of my separate drawings in on separate layers and created GTV's for them and then running Batch Print.

As an old hand-drafter, one of my loves of Dcad is the overshoots, but in printing my concoction the overshoots don't seem to display - except the symbols in each file. I've tried playing with the line spacing and overshoots (being applied to each xref'd file) but those don't seem to work.

Any ideas of a switch I haven't thrown yet?
#83121 by Roger D
Sat Aug 03, 2024 2:15 pm
In all the files under Print/Batch Plot, select the sheets you want printing. You can even change the sheet order by dragging the files up/down the list.
now close all files
Under File, select Batch Plot
Here you select all the files you want to print, dragging the names if you need.

Select the directory on top where you want the pdf files to go.
Select the directory mid bottom to where you want the combined file to go and the name of the file.
check other boxes to match your desire
You can then save these settings in a .set file if you wish
then hit print to print the combined file.
#83122 by MtnArch
Sat Aug 03, 2024 5:02 pm
Thank you, Roger, for the explanation. As usual, I found "a" way to do it, though not necessarily the most productive way!

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