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#83311 by joshhuggins
Fri Nov 15, 2024 2:10 pm
Is there a way to set or lock the scale of a SBF when setting the pattern to a Custom bitmap seamless image? I was going to try to use some seamless stone textures on an 2D elevation but could not find a way to do this. Any suggestions?
#83314 by Mark F. Madura
Sat Nov 16, 2024 5:27 pm
Hi Josh,

I've prototyped the ability to set an origin and define a real-world size for custom bitmap brushes which I plan to incorporate into a future update.

Currently, bitmap brushes are drawn 1:1. So, as you zoom in and out the origin and size of the image tiles will not change. When printing, the default resolution is 300 dpi. An image tile of 300 pixels square should render at 1" square on paper. You can change the default dpi by setting the Default Image Resolution key in the [PDF] section of DCADWIN.ini to a different value. This change will affect all bitmap brush fills when printed.

#83315 by joshhuggins
Sun Nov 17, 2024 11:37 pm
Thanks Mark, look forward to giving that a whirl when it gets baked in! :D

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