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How To Adjust Hatches to Prieview Quickly

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:19 pm
by wvar
I find that some hatch patterns preview at too small a scale or take too long to preview. Below are some steps that I have taken to speed this up. It may not suit all users but makes me happy when previewing hatches.
CAUTION: Back up the original hatch patterns before attempting this process.
1. Open Hatch Pattern Manager
2. Select a hatch pattern in the External Hatch Pattern list and Load it.
3. Select the loaded hatch pattern in the Embeded Hatch Pattern list.
4. Select the preferred Display Scale. I use 1:100 for the preview of all of my hatches.
5. Adjust the Angle and Scale to suit your requirements and select Apply.
6. Select Save to overwright the pattern saved to disk or Save As to save to another hatch pattern name.