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#62629 by ORWoody
Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:04 am
How does one insert a "toggle" control? I know that there are some numbers that control the state, but I haven't ever put any into an alias string. I want the states to be as follows so that when I have the menu number in the string, the alias would take me to that command and make it active.
I would like to have the control for:
Line spacing (OFF)
Hatch/ContSrch (OFF)
and for the big one..... how can one pick something with the left button instead of the center button ($)?
The restricting entities that I am trying to hatch using the ContSrch seem to be ignored with the center button, but work they fine with the left button. They are only lines so I thought either one might work.
Thanks much,
#62630 by Roger D
Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:23 am
I would like to have the control for:
Line spacing (OFF)
Hatch/ContSrch (OFF)
and for the big one..... how can one pick something with the left button instead of the center button ($)?

Are you asking to show line spacing? or Line Type? or ?

Sounds like Dave (by the way :D Happy Birthday :wink: Dave G :D ) would need to add a couple more Extended Codes.

Center button is a near snap, one can always pick by the left button (or right, depending on what hand your mouse is set up for).

In an Alias, you can add $^ when needing to pick a point near the cursor.
#62631 by ORWoody
Fri Dec 06, 2013 9:32 am
That one was for line spacing. There is a work around, but I just wanted it to work each time.
The near point option with the center button gives completely different (and sometimes incorrect) results from what I get with the left button pick. This is the first time that I have had that problem so young Dave had mostly worked out all the headaches. I just give him a new one now and then. Of course, he is older now and sometimes gets cranky when he hasn't had his nap.
Happy birthday, Dave.
#62681 by ORWoody
Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:14 am
In an alias, I want to revert back to the solid line type. It seems as if I can pick and set any line type except for the four internal line types with the ^;^S7^linestyle^$^ string. When I use ^;^S7^solid^$^, there is no change.
Anyone have an idea of what I am doing incorrectly here?
#62682 by Roger D
Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:43 am
Since Solid is always at F1, I would change you code to
Code: Select all^;^S7^F1^

and if you needed, add other keystrokes if you needed to change spacing, overshoot.
I found in previous versions, when computers and graphics where not as strong, a significatant change in refresh if my solid line spacings were large. My command alias that I developed long ago to change to solid is
Code: Select allcomment=SoliD Line, 5000 spacing
#62683 by ORWoody
Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:03 am
Excuse me while I spend some time banging my head against the wall for missing that amazingly logical solution. Thanks.
As for the toggle that I needed, it was equally as simple in this case. F1 sets the hatch to Rectangle and F2 sets it ConSrch. So in my alias, the solution was to turn on the rectangle (which had the effect of turning off the consrch) and then selecting F2. Always works that way in DCAD. Sometimes it is so perfectly simple that no work-a-rounds are needed.
I had done exactly what you mentioned for the spacing settings.
Thanks much.

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