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PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:26 am
by juve
I'm using Datacad v.10 i'm trying to import a .bmp file but it won't let me it says the "file name is too long" [/b]


PostPosted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:38 am
by Mark Toce
juve wrote:I'm using Datacad v.10 i'm trying to import a .bmp file but it won't let me it says the "file name is too long" [/b]

The message refers not only to the name of the image, but also to the complete path to the folder in which it is located. For example, the path C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\My Documents\My Pictures\Client Name\Project Name\Image Files\Image.bmp would be too long. Move the image file to a folder that has a shorter path, such as C:\DataCAD\BMP and you will be able to insert it.