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#82666 by gregg kett
Thu Dec 14, 2023 5:05 pm
Hi is there a setting or settings in O2C to set the sun altitude and azimuth to do sun diagrams, theres lots of boxes across the top of screen that change when moving the model around x,y,z rx ???etc are they decipherable, what they mean.
In Australia , Sydney, sun studies, eg, shadow diagrams are compulsory, so looking for a presentable outcome on the drawings, that clients and councils can understand.eg. pretty rendered pictures, plan and elevations, perspectives.

i Know this can be done in Sun Shader but not happy with the end result, for presentation.

thanks and merry xmas
#82668 by DBrennfoerder
Thu Dec 14, 2023 5:48 pm
Several years ago, I felt o2c was lacking in certain abilities and I downloaded a free rendering program called Kerkythia. There is a paid version called Thea Render. I bought it, but the learning curve was immense. Kerkythia does all I need it to do. You can export your DataCAD 3d model as a .3ds file, import into Kerkythia and make rapid progress. If your DataCAD colors are as desired, they'll import nicely, but you are free to change them to any color or replace with bitmaps for images or surface texture. You can place any number of lights and give those lights color, shadow ability, fade away, soft / hard shadows. You can place the sun where ever you want it to be by location, time, date or just stick it in the sky where you want for best lighting. You can place cameras where ever you want and then tell it to make a number of images from camera to camera etc, with as many images as you need for 30 fps and the time you wand for a video. You can also simply render individual images from any camera, with the ability to set focal length and other factors.
If you want to check it out, download and install. Let me know and I'll send you a "quick-start" list that I use when it's been a while since I generated a rendering. You can also add images to sky for realistic backgrounds.

A couple of videos:
redo2 - Copy.jpg

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