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#8480 by curtschultz
Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:19 pm
This is an extension of a privous post; When I open the layer manager there are functions that are not availble, such as import, export and view. Why can't I do those things in the Layer Manager Box too? I have to enter the Layer Menu to do these functions.

Why can't I set a color that represents a "view color" as well as the pen or printing color.

With a "view (by only) color", I could set a particular layer to a color (which does not represent the plotting pen color). ie, if I am drawing on the 2nd Flr GVT, I could set the lower wall layer to a color for all its entities, so as I view the 2nd Flr GTV I can see the 1st Flr walls and know what is on the 1st Flr by a selected uniform color "view color" . Yet the "view color" and "plot" colors remain separate. This "view Color" would only affect selected GTVs and not printing

The ability to have a separate view color was a feature on my first CAD program, in 1986, Point-Line.
#8484 by curtschultz
Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:49 pm
Don't forget I wanted the order of the layers in the Layer Manager to be GTV specific too. So when I am in the Floor GTV all the related layers are organized for that layer, same for each GTV.

I think this is a Wish List item....
#8506 by Steve Baldwin
Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:32 am
curtschultz wrote:Don't forget I wanted the order of the layers in the Layer Manager to be GTV specific too. So when I am in the Floor GTV all the related layers are organized for that layer, same for each GTV.

As for most options, if this were to be implemented, lets be sure it can be turned on for those who want it, off for those who don't.

I currently have all of my files for various types of drawings set up with the layers organized how I want them. For example, in my floor plan files, I ALWAYS know that my DrWdw layer is the next layer after my Walls layer. Personally, I don't want GoToViews messing with my layer structure ... unless, possibly, I have complete control of definining how the GoToView/Layers behave.

Just my opinion.
#8517 by curtschultz
Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:39 am
Steve, you are making my point. With a layer order that is GTV specific your layers will always be exactly where you want them, even if you must refine the order with you create the GTV.

With this feature, a project that is out of the ordinary can be easily modified with each GTV. It will help maintain your layering system.

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