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Switch from first floor to second?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 12:01 am
by chasevarnado
Hey how do I start building the second floor? I am using datacad for my auto shop, and datacad is really sweet! Help out an newb thanks!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:10 pm
by Neil Blanchard

Have you already added the layers you need for the second floor? If so, the thing you want to use is called Goto Views (aka GTV). If you turn on all the layers for the second floor (I'd do this in the Layer Manager) and then Recalcualte the view extents. Open the GTV menu, and Add the view, give it a name (like 2ndFloor, natch) and then you just have to open that view.

Do the same for the first floor, and any other view you want to save; small or big. The best thing it the layer control this gives, but it also saves the active layer, the current plot scale, and other things. There are several shortcuts to get to the GTV menu to make it even faster.

If you need to add the layers for the second floor -- then this is most easily done in the Layer Manager: New Layers (select the number you want to add) and then name them. The first one will be selected to be named, and the others you highlight, hit Enter, type the new name (up to 88 characters), hit Enter, hit the down arrow, hit Enter, name it -- and so on. THEN make the GTV's!

Does this help?