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#147 by John
Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:56 pm
I prefer how the DBUG forum messages are sent right to my e-mail application, is there a way to get messages from this web forum to be sent to my e-mail directly? I like being able to scan all the e-mails to find if there is some I can relate to. This way seems to be slower, and more inconvenient for me. So if it is possible to view messages by e-mail, I would love to know how. Thanks.
#189 by joshhuggins
Tue Feb 15, 2005 6:51 pm
There are tons of add-on mods that Datacad can install into the forum. I suggested one such mod to the Beta team, so hopefully at sometime in the future maybe that will be added if it works for them. There are alot of things that may not make it worth doing, such as the amount of bandwith/transfer size needed to run the suggested mod, server overhead and other tech stuff. I'm sure they will review and add as many useful mods as they see fit. It just takes time, like all good things. :mrgreen:

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