A collection of training videos for DataCAD.
#83103 by Clayton Taylor
Fri Jul 19, 2024 7:20 am
To all,


I don't think it's ever too late learn a programme however long one has been using it :idea:

Video tutorials can be very quick & help everyone use the programme they really like using better.

I'm not too sure why this appeared to cease with DC a long time ago & even not clarifying why some videos on YOUTUBE don't appear anymore :(

This should be far easier to do these days than in the past with an array of video capture software programmes, some free as well. It would be great to see an offer by M+M a way of revisiting this subject again to see if something can be progressively done, it's certainly worth discussing on this forum, as I'm sure it would enthuse a lot of DC users.

Over & Out,

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