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#75426 by joust211
Mon Dec 31, 2018 2:59 pm
Has anyone gotten the Internal Diagnostic Fault 10 Error from:74....??

The problem makes the file crash every time I attempt to go to the view for my detail sheet. This view is associated to ONE layer... my details layer. I think it all happened when I tried to copyclip a Simpson detail into the file … it crashed when I pasted the drawing onto my file and I had it of course in my detail sheet layer. I have tried purging the file, doing a layer save, renaming the file, but anything that has to do with that layer it makes it crash.... I can do all those things as long as I do NOT select that layer.
However, I have 3 days worth of custom details on that sheet and I would hate to lose them and start all over!!

Does anyone have any ideas of how to solve this?? BTW - Happy New year!!! LOL :wink: :mrgreen:
#75428 by Roger D
Mon Dec 31, 2018 3:11 pm
Try exporting to a dwg, and then import that dwg into a new empty drawing.
If that works, I would then try deleting the bad layer in the original file and import it from the new version if you had a lot of plot setups done.

I'm not sure when the Repair feature was introduced, but I think after v17.

Others question why I have so many layers in my drawings, but it for cases like this. Even details usually have group of 12 layers associated with them so if one layer is bad, not much is there to lose, and each detail has it's own group.
#75430 by joust211
Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:12 pm
Thanks Roger D.....

But, Alas, it did not work. Cursor spun around (giving me hope!...) but then the Fault and Error message came up :(

any other ideas anyone???

I've tried saving as, doing layer sets, the dwg thing...etc..
#75432 by Roger D
Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:22 am
create new layer. Copy everything but the bad entity?
Go back to an old Session file and try to save what you can?
#75434 by MtnArch
Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:22 am
Not what you may want to hear, but upgrade to V20 and send it in to TechSupport for repair.
#75438 by Mark Bell
Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:58 pm
Some options to try:
1. Delete the MSP detail from the sheet and try re-inserting it again,
2. Do a File/Purge and try in a fresh drawing,
3. Do a Layer Set then re-import and try again. You should be able to isolate the dud layer and delete it. You could also try copy and pasting the entities on the dud layer to a new drawing and see if it crashes the file.
4. If the entities on the dud layer don't require any specific z-b/z-h values, change them all to zero,
5. As Roger said, if v17 has the File Repair option use it,
#75500 by joust211
Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:03 pm
All good ideas.... It became tiresome and hopeless... so I gave it a rest to see if any ideas came up in my head.

The biggest problem is that I can't even access the layer that has these details, that I was trying to save.... Anytime I turn on the layer, or go to a view that has that layer, or even do am Export that includes that layer, even tying to print... Anything that has to do with activating that layer, etc. Datacad automatically shuts down!!

I can't refresh or anything- that layer is death to the file!!

At least I have the rest of the file!! So that's a good thing! :)

Thanks everyone for the ideas, and help! Appreciate it!
#75502 by Mark Bell
Mon Jan 14, 2019 5:23 pm
All I can suggest is do a File/Purge File and untick the 'corrupt' layer. This will provide you a new file without the problematic layer so at least you can continue using the drawing. If you run a Subscription Edition Licence send the AEC file into DataCAD.
#75545 by joust211
Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:21 pm
Just wanted to give a huge Shout-out to MFM - Mark F. Madura is the man!! He solved this one so quickly and easily... I emailed him late at night and within a few hours I had this....

You probably have a 'RECOVER_ARCHIVE' folder in your DataCAD program folder:

sure enough I did and it worked like a charm!!

Thanks again Sir!!

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