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#65868 by ROBERT PENN
Thu Feb 12, 2015 5:59 pm
I'm not sure if I am missing something here, but I am sure that prior to the latest Dcad update I could Cntrl right click on a polyline that already had a fill assigned to it and be able to access the knockout command in the pop up menu. It now seems that the Knockout command has disappeared from the options available.
It is there if you cntrl-right click on a plain polyline without a fill assigned to it, but as soon as you assign the fill, the knockout command disappears.
#65869 by joshhuggins
Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:53 pm
I don't remember if filled polylines had knockouts or not before, but can confirm that the option is missing now.
#65874 by ROBERT PENN
Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:15 pm
Mark Bell wrote:Hello Robert - it's still the bottom of the menu

As David has stated, it seems that you can't have a fill and knockout associated to the same polyline. Thank you for confirming this Dave.

Mark, Thanks for your input, On my machine, knockout only comes up on the Cntrl Right click menu when the polyline is in its natural state, once you add a fill to the polyline the knockout option disappears from the Cntrl Right click menu.
#65876 by ROBERT PENN
Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:47 pm
Mark Bell wrote:Hi Rob,

my mistake - I was just looking for the Knockout feature and missed your note about fills.

No worries Mark. I thought that was the case!

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