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#70274 by mijenix
Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:39 am
I have a DataCad file that somehow has duplicate line work, text, dimensions and so on right on top of one another. The problem is that when I delete by group it deletes all of the line work, text dims. Does anyone have an idea of how to get rid of the duplicates besides just going through and deleting them one by one.

#70275 by Roger D
Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:10 am
For the lines, you could run it through the 3d Menu / Hide / Options / Delete Dbl.
Would probably have to do for each layer since the result all gets put on one layer.
For the text and dimensions you could do each one by area, and then hit the comma to bring the last one back.
Other option is move each one to a new (off) layer, don't refresh the screen, since as you move each 1, it will appear there is nothing at that position, but all the others do still remain untill you refresh. After you are done moving each item, then you can delete the rest by area.

All depends on how many copies there are, on which method might be the best.
#70286 by ORWoody
Fri Nov 25, 2016 6:04 am
Chances are, you did a copy of an area with a zero distance and the doubles can be erased without a lot of trouble. If you did it is really good because the doubles are probably on a single layer. If they are, make that layer active and turn off Layer Search. That would help when you erase the group.
Check to see if "it is really gone" when you erase by group. What could be happening is that the process looks that way on the screen. But, you need to refresh the screen after the erasure to be able to see the linework/dimensions/etc. that is still there.
A quick way to know is to move the group a good distance and if you still see the original stuff, that would tell you that it is okay to erase the group.
Good luck,

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