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#81020 by Clayton Taylor
Tue Jun 21, 2022 10:29 am
To all,

My new PC wants me to upgrade to Window 11 :!:
Is DC18 ok with that :?:

Over & Out,

Update: 23-06-2022 = Thanks to all on this so far, from what I'm hearing, it doesn't inspire confidence to do so ! I usually upgrade WINDOWS OS as a matter of course, not due to a need, but to just experience any improvements however little or of use they are to me, as never had any real issues in upgrading way back from WINDOWS-XP, 7 & 10. I've also heard W11-OS misbehaving with SketchUp-Pro.

My old PC wasn't up to speed to receive W11-OS, but handled most programmes ok, but the motherboard was a tad old & wasn't coping well with newer graphics cards to handle HD monitors. I guess due to the higher PC-spec's required for W11-OS, the feedback info is limited, I'll stick to W10-OS in the meantime.

It would be good to hear DC-HQ's thoughts on this as well :!:
Last edited by Clayton Taylor on Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
#81023 by MtnArch
Tue Jun 21, 2022 1:21 pm
Josh or Clay may be the best to answer this one.
#81028 by joshhuggins
Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:15 pm
If it's running fine on Windows 10, it should run fine on Windows 11, but I would not upgrade unless you have a compelling reason to. IMHO, there really is not too much worth the hassle and Microsoft's constant inclusion of crapware and questionable privacy practices should be enough to keep most at arms length. I would ride Windows 10 out until around 2024. Windows 10 is supported until 3rd qtr of 2025.

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