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#27432 by MtnArch
Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:20 pm
I think that you may just have to bite the bullet and do multiple hatches in multiple polylines.
#27433 by Roger D
Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:32 pm
Very unique pattern. I might approach it by:
2 layers - Stone hatch, Brick hatch.
Define the large area with the stone hatch.
Draw the brick hatch areas with polyines. After all areas have been defined, copy the brick boundries to the stone hatch layer.
Hatch the brick on the brick layer with the polylines.
On the stone hatch layer with the brick boundry copies, make these voids in the polyline.
Should work.
#27435 by joshhuggins
Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:00 pm
If you can email a Datacad file with that sample I think I can whip together a pattern for everyone. That would be a nice one to have. I'm also looking for a hand troweled sample to create a stucco pattern with or if anyone has anything unique to share. I'll post them up when I'm done. TIA
Last edited by joshhuggins on Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#27438 by Michael Olney
Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:54 pm
Thank you for the replies.

Roger, that's a very interesting solution that I hadn't thought about. It really opens up a lot of possibilities. I'm going to take Josh's offer, but this should work really well for the texture. Thanks!

Josh, I should be able to e-mail the file to you either later tonight or tomorrow morning. What would work better for you, a size similar to the image that I posted, or something larger so that it doesn't repeat as often? Thanks!
#27442 by Roger D
Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:44 pm
It will allow you to customize and place exactly where you want the brick to occur.
A hatch pattern will be fairly consistant in the placement of the brick pattern.
All depends on how exact to the finish product and how random or consistent you want the design.
#27443 by Roger D
Mon Aug 27, 2007 7:48 pm
a ps to my earlier post.
On the brick hatch layer, if you consider one of the polylines a master, and make the rest a void to the first. Since they are disjointed, they will all hatch, but it will be one entity so if you need to change a spacing, color, scale, etc, it's just picking 1 item. It will have the same origin point though, so the location will need to be on a mason module.
#27444 by joshhuggins
Mon Aug 27, 2007 8:57 pm
I'll take what ever you have that your happy with. The larger and more random the better though. We can play with a bit to try to make it random. Maybe I'll try to set the origin point with a brick section so you can kind of play and adjust the origin point to place brick areas where you might want to.

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