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#78376 by joshhuggins
Fri Jul 10, 2020 4:49 pm
Had a gentleman email me about setting up a second system for travel and keeping the same settings synced so I figured this might be something others are doing a lot more of right now so thought I would reply here on the forum so everyone can see also. This is what I have done for years to sync my laptop when I travel. You will likely have to make some adjustments due to differences in screen sizes but this should get you pretty darn close.

- With Datacad shut down, install the latest patch for your version of Datacad on your main system. You can download the latest patches from the Datacad Website here.
- Install Datacad on your travel system to the same path as your main system, usually it's something like C:\DataCAD xx\ ; where xx is your version number Example: (C:\DataCAD 21\).
- Install the same latest patch for your version of Datacad on your travel system.
- Rename the travel system's Datacad folder, I usually just name the folder so it looks like C:\xDataCAD 21\
- Copy the C:\Datacad 21\ folder from your main system and paste it in your root C:\ drive of your travel system.

That should be it! Fire Datacad up and give it a test run.

If you get an error message when you try to launch, it’s usually if you have custom Datacad paths on your main computer for files on a server, to a path outside your Datacad install directory, or to an old Datacad install path. If that's the case, you will need to open your C:\DataCAD xx\dcadwin.ini file with Notepad or another plain text editor and located the [PATH] section of the file, and see if there are any paths related to the error that look incorrect. If you have issues you can ask here in this thread and I am sure we should be able to get ya going!

Happy Trails! :mrgreen:

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